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1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter

Starting at: $784.95

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(image for) 1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
(image for) 1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
(image for) 1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
1950 Al Goerg Design Big Bore Shoulder Holster Vertical Hunter
We designed this rig for the handgun hunter that is going to be in the woods for extended periods of time. After examining other shoulder rigs that are on the market, we found when pulling the gun out of the holster, the barrel would have a lot of drag-critical when hunting dangerous game- plus, in time it could wear the bluing off. With that in mind, we have raised the spring to allow the barrel to sit deeper, so in case the strap released itself the gun wouldn't come out.

Additionally flared the top around the beginning of the cylinder, and found the gun releases effortlessly. The bullet holder can have anywhere from ten to twenty loops, if not desired, we offer a optional right shoulder retainer. This rig is available in all of the leather colors we offer.

NOTE: Many of our western gun holsters are custom made to your exact specifications and may not be available for immediate shipment. Custom made orders may require 8 to 16 weeks before shipping. Please call or email to check for availability if you need your order sooner.


About Al Goerg:

Al Goerg

Al Goerg was a pioneer handgun hunter and is the author of a very rare book titled Pioneering Handgun Hunting self-published from photocopied, typewritten pages in 1965. Not satisfied with handguns as they were, Goerg modified handguns by using the almost unheard of practice of scoping revolvers and custom-made single shots. This was in the days before long-eye-relief scopes and Thompson/Center Contenders. Goerg’s single-shots were rifles turned into pistols using the old Remington Rolling Block as a basis before it was declared illegal. The .257 Roberts single-shot pistol was one of his favorites. Wanting more penetration out of his ammunition and the ability to precisely place his shots led Goerg to modify both ammunition and sights for his S&W .44 Magnum. To hollow-point bullets Goerg added a round-head brass screw and the Goerg Spearhead bullet was born. This was in those days long before six gunners saw heavyweight hard cast and jacketed bullets available for the .44 Magnum.

The addition to the .44 Magnum of the Weaver K1 scope by Goerg was the beginning of all the grand long-eye-relief scopes we have today from so many scope makers. Goerg was the first to really use a scope for hunting and to subsequently publicize its use. He also designed what is still one of the best hunting rigs going, the Goerg Shoulder Holster which is available today from Gary Reeder. Lightweight and with a minimum amount of leather, it is obvious this outfit was designed by a hunter.

Using his scoped S&W double-action sixguns in .22 Kay-Chuk and .44 Magnum Goerg took both small and big game and wrote wonderful articles for the magazines of the time. None who have ever seen it will forget the beautiful picture from 50 years ago of the head of Goerg’s Dall Sheep with his scoped .44 S&W. Goerg also took elk, caribou, mountain goat, black bear, moose, cougar, wild boar, deer, all with scoped handguns. He would certainly enjoy seeing the acceptance of and the proliferation of scoped handguns today.

Al Goerg was 53 years old when he died in a plane crash in 1965 in Alaska. When his plane was found, it had been looted of all of his guns, cameras and equipment. A friend, Bob Cole, said of him: “Al Goerg had helped to carry handgun hunting into a new era. He hunted with animal cunning, seemed to thrive on dangerous situations and his methods were basic and effective. As a result of his writing people were losing the old gun-on-hip, offhand shooting ideas about handguns. He made many realize a handgun with a scope is a fine hunting weapon, handier than a rifle and a little more challenging.”

At the first Outstanding American Handgunner Awards Foundation Banquet, Al Goerg was recognized posthumously for his great contributions to handgunning.
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