We make our Gun Belts and Holsters from Heavyweight Premium Grade U. S. A. Leather as most Old West Gun Leather was made from during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. This set is available for a Beretta Model 92FS 9MM semi-automatic pistol a Full Size 9MM Frame with a 5" Barrel Length. Our Old Trading Post Drop Loop Semi Auto Gun Belt is 2 3/4" Wide and comes with a 1 1/2" Billet Strap which is secured by a 1 1/2" clipped corner brass belt buckle.
This Wild Bunch Style Western Drop Loop Gun Belt comes with a Spaghetti Whipped Stitched leather design and is made from 9 to 10 oz. top grain leather in a rich plain brown leather finish, also included in this Wild Bunch Set is the Covered Double Magazine / Clip Pouch that will hold 2 Beretta Model 92 9MM clips the clip pouch is designed for fast replacement of your pistol clips when needed.
The Full Skirt Single Loop Holster in the set is a classic Old West full Skirt single loop style holster made in a Pike holster design with the leather retainer strap and thumb break snap release securely holding your weapon in place when holstered. The holsters face has a nice two-tone Texas Ranger Style Concho that finishes this handsome set off completely.