Western Fast Draw Holsters
The Hollywood Fast Draw Holster is patterned after the 1940s through 1980s Arvo Ojala, Andy Anderson or Alfonso Pineda Fast Draw Hollywood Holsters. In fact our Leathersmith learned gun leather making at the Arvo Ojala Hollywood Fast Draw Shop through the 1960's and he worked directly with all 3 of the men mentioned above.

1938 Apache Scout Hollywood Fast Draw Design Gun Holster
The Single Loop Holster is a Hollywood Fast Draw Holster which is a reinforced Holster made to hold...
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1952 High Noon Hollywood Fast Draw Design Jock Strap Loop Gun Holster
The Old Trading Post 1952 High Noon Fast Draw Holster(s) is a very popular Fast Draw Holster...
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1954 The Reaper Serial Gun for Hire Hollywood Fast Draw Gun Holster
The Old Trading Post 1954 The Reaper Serial Gun for Hire Holster is our most popular Hollywood Fast...
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1957 Arvo Ojala Design Hollywood Fast Draw PALADIN Gun Holster
The Old Trading Post 1957 Have Gun Will Travel Paladin Hollywood Fast Draw Holster is our 2nd most...
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1960 Bret Maverick Style Hollywood Fast Draw Design Gun Holster
The Old Trading Post 1960 Bret Maverick Style Hollywood Fast Draw Holster is one of our more...
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1964 Man with No Name Spaghetti Western Leather Gun Holster
The original "Man with no Name" Spaghetti Western Gun Belt and Holster Set was an Andy...
$249.75... more info
1985 Paden Silverado Hollywood Fast Draw Holster
The Paden holster, featuring a traditional style with a hand woven single loop band. Available for...
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El Paso Hellfire Western Fast Draw Competition Pistol Holster
The Hellfire Western Cowboy competition pistol holster is leather lined and blocked with specially...
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